
A man washing his face in the showers

A Short History of Showering

By / July 19, 2022

Personal hygiene hasn’t always been an integral part of grooming, yet the need to clean oneself easily and quickly was as pressing in ancient times as it is today. Bathing in a tub was cumbersome, so those who could bathed under waterfalls. These were the first showers used by man. The first man-made showers that…

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An eagle flying through snowy mountains

The biggest state

By / July 12, 2022

The biggest parts of the Union Every state in the Union is bound by the same Constitution, but states aren’t always equal. In terms of wildlife, industries, culture, and even size, the different states can be wildly different from one another. Find out which states make up a bigger part of the union than the…

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Why does ancient Egypt’s distinctive art style make everything look flat?

By / July 12, 2022

In 1986, the band “The Bangles” sang about “all the old paintings on the tombs” where the figures they depict are “walking like an Egyptian.” Though he was neither an art historian nor an Egyptologist, songwriter Liam Sternberg was referring to one of the most striking features of ancient Egyptian visual art — the depiction of people,…

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Indonesia Facts : Economy, History, Languages and More

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  INTERESTING FACTS Official Name: Republik Indonesia Location: Southeast Asia Capital: Jakarta Religion: Islam, Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism Motto: Unity in Diversity Size: 735,000 square miles in area Cities: Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Bekasi Currency: Indonesian rupiah Government: Unitary presidential constitutional republic Literacy Rate: 93% Indonesia Facts Infographics Indonesia Is the Fourth Most Populous Country…

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Why the Founder of Mother’s Day Turned Against It

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  Anna Jarvis, who founded Mother’s Day in 1908, passionately opposed its growing commercialization and eventually campaigned against the holiday.   Anna Jarvis, who had no children of her own, conceived of Mother’s Day as an occasion for honoring the sacrifices individual mothers made for their children. In May 1908, she organized the first official Mother’s Day…

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The Surprisingly Radical History of Mother’s Day

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  Mother’s Day, one of the largest holidays in the world, has become an unstoppable idea. Whether it’s a set of earrings or a dozen roses, few can imagine allowing a Mother’s Day to come and go without giving Mom a gift. In 2022, 84 percent of Americans planned to celebrate Mother’s Day, spending more…

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How Old Do You Need to Be to Rent a Car in the U.S.?

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  At 18, you can be called for jury duty, sign up for the military draft (if you’re a guy) and get married without parental consent. But one thing you may not be able to do is rent a car. This is because many companies won’t rent a car to anyone under the age of 21, and those that do…

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How Did Environmentalism Start?

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  Imagine you’ve just walked outside on a clear spring day. What do you hear? Are the bees buzzing? Are there birds singing? Maybe you can hear a distant game of kickball or your neighbors chatting next door. You might even hear less pleasant sounds, like the humming of mosquitoes. Now, imagine the opposite. You walk outside on…

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Do You Have Perspective?

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  Do you love art? Many kids are naturally creative. They might use pens, pencils, crayons, markers, paint, clay, yarn, sidewalk chalk, or anything else! They can create works of art that are priceless to their parents. People make art on many different canvases. Of course, paper is a favorite for many children. Some artists, though, think outside the…

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8 Strange Facts About Ninjas

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    Did you know that the Shuriken, or Ninja Star, isn’t even proven to be used by ninjas? It was actually a weapon samurai used. When you ask people what they know Japan for, one of the most common answers given would be ninjas. Most of what we know about ninjas isn’t that closely…

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