
Daily use of marijuana raises risk of heart disease, study finds

By / April 7, 2023

Using marijuana every day can raise a person’s risk of coronary artery disease, or CAD, by a third compared with those who never partake, a new study found. Weed is not good for your heart, studies say “A growing body of evidence suggests that cannabis is not entirely without harm and may actually cause cardiovascular…

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Beautiful Art Work Of Snow In The Air

Does Hot Water Freezes faster?

By / August 9, 2022

“Cold water does not boil faster than hot water. The rate of heating of a liquid depends on the magnitude of the temperature difference between the liquid and its surroundings (the flame on the stove, for instance). As a result, cold water will be absorbing heat faster while it is still cold; once it gets…

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Salt in water sources becoming worrisome in D.C. region, experts warn

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The Washington region is growing — a metropolis of nearly 6 million people where area officials are pressing to build another 320,000 homes by the end of this decade. And with that growth comes an increasing, largely unregulated problem: Salt. Lots of it. Paved streets, sidewalks and parking lots need de-icing in winter, with the…

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An eagle flying through snowy mountains

The biggest state

By / July 12, 2022

The biggest parts of the Union Every state in the Union is bound by the same Constitution, but states aren’t always equal. In terms of wildlife, industries, culture, and even size, the different states can be wildly different from one another. Find out which states make up a bigger part of the union than the…

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Theodore Roosevelt

Who was the youngest president?

By / July 12, 2022

US Constitution According to the constitution, a president must be at least 35 years old to qualify as president. To be president of the United States at any age is an amazing feat done by just 45 people so far. To be the youngest president is even more of an achievement to be able to get to…

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Webb telescope’s new images of stars, galaxies and an exoplanet

By / July 12, 2022

(CNN)The first glimpse of how the James Webb Space Telescope will change the way people see the universe has arrived. President Joe Biden has released one of Webb’s first images, and it’s the deepest view of the universe ever captured. The image shows SMACS 0723, where a massive group of galaxy clusters act as a magnifying glass for…

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lmost everyone travel everyday and you must pass any bridge along your way. Bridges are the connecting link between two lands separated with water body. Do you ever think how the pillars are build in the water bodies to construct the bridge? Welcome to Engineering Master. In this article, we will tell the answer… Bridges…

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Historical figures carved on a historical building

10 Little-known Facts About the Founding Fathers

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This painting shows Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Benjamin Franklin presenting the first draft of the Declaration of Independence to the Second Continental Congress. Less than a week later, on July 4, 1776, the colonial delegates signed the document. If asked to come up with a fact or two about the…

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Willis Carrier

Willis Carrier The Man who Invented Air Conditioning!

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Who hasn’t sung the praises of air conditioning on a sweltering summer day? But who do you have to thank for this refreshing convenience? The short answer to that question is Willis Carrier, an American engineer credited with inventing the first modern air conditioner. However, the idea of using evaporated water — or other liquids…

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When Did the American “Old West” End?

By / May 26, 2022

  Can you throw a lasso? Have you ever worn a 10-gallon hat? Do you dream of driving a covered wagon over dirt tracks? If so, you would have fit right into the Old West! The push for Americans to settle the West started in the early 1800s. Most of the first pioneers were traders who cut…

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Professionals checking the water

How to become an oceanographer?

By / May 26, 2022

  Like all scientists, oceanographers are curious. They want to know things like what causes ocean currents. How oceans interact with land along coastlines. How pollutants affect marine life. What drives changes in populations of marine plants and animals. Even big things like how oceans affect Earth’s climate. Students who are curious about all things…

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Girl looking through a telescope

Why Does the Moon Change Shape?

By / May 26, 2022

  People have always been fascinated by the Moon. We have plenty of good reasons to be! The Moon controls our tides, causes solar eclipses, and appears to have a face. To add to our fascination, the Moon even changes shape! If you’ve spent any amount of time looking at the Moon, you know that the shape we see…

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10 Ways Insurance Agents Spot Fraudulent Claims

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  Insurance fraud is a bigger problem in the United States than you might guess. And the people who commit it are increasingly creative. While there are plenty of common scams out there — like pretending you lost an expensive piece of jewelry, then filing a claim — fraudsters also perpetrate scams by, say, staging car…

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