
Meet the mites that have sex on your face and nipples while you sleep

By / June 30, 2022

The idea of eight-legged mites that have sex on your face and nipples while you sleep may sound like a concept from the latest horror blockbuster. But the creatures are very much real and are becoming such simplified organisms that they may soon ‘become one with humans,’ according to a new study. Demodex folliculorum mites…

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Vaginal birth vs. C-Section: Pros & cons

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  Babies can enter this world in one of two ways: vaginal birth or surgical delivery by cesarean section. Babies can enter this world in one of two ways: a vaginal birth or surgical delivery by cesarean section. The ultimate goal of both methods is to ensure that the baby and mother are healthy. In…

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What Are Wisdom Teeth?

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  Unlike most teeth, which erupt in childhood, “wisdom teeth” (also known as “third molars”) generally appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Linguists believe these teeth received the nickname of “wisdom teeth” because they appear later in life than other teeth — at an age when a person has matured into a young adult. So why do…

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Can You Move Your Ears?

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  Isn’t the human ear fascinating? We think so! For such a small body part, it has so many pieces. There’s the eardrum, of course. And the ear canal. Most people know about the ear lobes. But did you know your ears also have many tiny muscles? They do! In fact, those muscles are what help you move…

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Why Do We Feel Pain?

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  What makes people say, “Ouch!” when they get a paper cut? What makes someone pull their hand back after touching a hot stovetop? Have you ever had either of these experiences? If so, you’ve likely considered today’s Wonder of the Day before. Why do people feel pain? The feeling of pain helps the brain protect…

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Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal of the Day?

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  Bacon. Eggs. Buttered toast and biscuits. Cereal, hash browns, and French toast. A tall stack of fluffy pancakes covered in maple syrup. Are you hungry yet? We sure are! After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Or is it? For years, people have talked about the importance of breakfast. They list its benefits. They…

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What Are Health Disparities? Definition, Examples, Significance

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    The term health disparities refers to the differences in health and health care access among members of different populations. These gaps or inequities can connect to race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic status, geographic location, and other categories. Health disparities are not biological, but instead emerge from social, economic, political, and other external causes. Medical professionals, public health workers,…

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How to increase bone density

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  Learn how to increase bone density through exercise and diet Do you want to know how to increase bone density and why it’s important? We need strong bones to support us and allow us to move. They protect the brain, heart and other major organs from injury. They also store minerals including calcium and…

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Is breakfast important?

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  Some say it’s the most important meal of the day. But is breakfast important or can you get away with skipping your morning cereal? Ah, breakfast. The greatest meal of the day — or so they say. But is breakfast actually all that important? For many of us, breakfast might be a quick slice…

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What’s So Funny about Laughing Gas?

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  Do you look forward to going to the dentist? If you brush and floss like you’re supposed to, then a dental check-up probably won’t be anything to worry about. If you keep your teeth in tip-top shape, you’ll probably just get a cleaning and leave with sparkly teeth whiter than you came with. From time to time, though, you may need a dental procedure that’s a bit…

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