
Four kids with a man and a laptop

How Do You Make an App?

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  Have you ever grabbed floating coins from the air? Do you make candy explode on your screen? Do you take care of a virtual cat? If you’ve done any of these activities, you were probably using an app! An app, short for application, is a program designed for users of digital devices. They’re made for devices from smartphones to gaming…

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Bank cards

What is depicted by 16 digits printed on Debit Card?

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What do the numbers on my debit card mean? How to identify numbers on a debit card? What is card number and what do 16 digits on debit card mean? These are some basic questions that frequently asked. For complete details let us see below. Debit Card is also known as ATM Card and it is used for…

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How Do You Make Slime?

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  We were fishing in the Wonderopolis pond the other day when we overheard an interesting conversation between a frog and her child: Momma Frog: I need to go to the grocery store. Where’s my shopping list? Baby Frog: Here it is! Make sure you get everything on the list. Momma Frog: Let me see…glue…borax…saline solution…liquid starch…what in the world?…

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How to Brainstorm Brilliant Ideas in Teams

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  Creativity is among the most in-demand skills in the workplace. It’s not surprising that top multinational companies are looking to hire inventive thinkers: Research shows that creativity can drive innovation and resilience in organizations. Tech giant Google has grown by innovating the way we all use the internet. Electric car maker Tesla touts a collaborative working environment to “solve the world’s most important…

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How Do You Clean a City?

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  What will future cities look like? Will there be flying cars? Towering skyscrapers? Will people travel through tubes instead of sidewalks? Will they be shiny and clean? Or will they be full of trash and pollution? When we imagine future cities in pictures and movies, they’re often cleaner than today’s cities. Is that just a dream? Many of today’s cities are…

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Was Manhattan really sold for $24 worth of beads and trinkets?

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This historical transaction has become part of New York’s origin story. But have the mythical elements of this tale obscured the facts?   In 1609, Henry Hudson sailed down the river in present-day New York that would one day bear his name. The Englishman was an emissary of the Dutch and had been dispatched to chart a…

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What Is a Brain Break?

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  Fight the Fidgeting With These Fun Pick-Me-Ups  A brain break is a short mental break that is taken during regular intervals during classroom instruction. Brain breaks are usually limited to five minutes and work best when they incorporate physical activities. When to Do a Brain Break The best time to do a brain break…

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Why Are My Texts Green on My iPhone?

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iPhone users might have noticed that some of their text messages are green, while others are blue. Here’s the lowdown on the difference. If you own an iPhone, at some point you’ve probably wondered, “why are my texts green, while others are blue?” There’s a simple reason your phone is sending green text messages, but…

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How Is Traffic Directed in the Sky?

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  Are you excited for the day you can learn to drive? The freedom of the open road calls out to many young drivers. Of course, learning to drive can be a bit intimidating at first. In addition to paying attention to the road and other drivers, there are all those traffic signs telling you what you can do and where you can go. Now imagine what it…

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What Does NBSP Mean?

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  In computer programming, NBSP means: Non-Breaking Space This is an HTML character you may have seen online. It may appear as ” ” and it tells a web browser to create a space between two words without going to the next line. NBSP has another potential meaning if used on a dating website or app. In these…

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